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Thursday, October 27, 2011
Antrim County breast cancer mortality rate drops from 1st in the state to 33rd. in just two years
Pat, shown here with ACHT co founder Dee Lynch, stresses the importance of being your own advocate. "You know your body better than anyone, don't be afraid to have that mammogram. Detecting and treating breast cancer early, is key to survival."
Three women, three lives, forever changed by breast cancer.
by Priscilla Miller
In 2009 Antrim County, had the unwelcome distinction of having the highest breast cancer mortality rate in the State of Michigan. Last year that number dropped to 12th in the state and this year, it’s down again, to 33rd. Credit for this decrease in breast cancer deaths, may very well be attributed to the combined efforts of the Health Department of Northwest Michigan, Munson Hospital, and the Antrim County High Tea for Breast Cancer Prevention, an all volunteer, 501c3 organization.
This unique partnership between the public, and private sector, provides uninsured, and under insured Antrim County residents, with free mammograms. It’s driving force, is an extensive education program, which emphasizes, the importance of breast health, and stresses awareness of the importance of early detection, in the prevention of breast cancer deaths.
Within the last 12 months the following three women, had their lives altered forever by breast cancer. All sought and received assistance, from the the Antrim County High Tea for Breast Cancer Prevention.
Pat, underwent surgery for thyroid cancer, while still in her twenties. Eleven years ago, she discovered a lump during her monthly breast exam. When nothing showed up on the mammogram that followed, Pat who was living in the Detroit Metro area at the time, should have been relieved, but she says, “I figured I knew my body, better than anyone, and I knew something wasn’t right, so I got a second opinion. It’s so very important to be your own advocate. If I hadn’t, gone for that second opinion, I wouldn’t be here today, because an ultrasound revealed not one, but two tumors.” She underwent a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery on her right breast, followed by eight rounds of chemotherapy. The biopsy on the tumors produced surprising and extremely rare results, because each tumor contained a different types of cancer cell. In reality, Pat had been simultaneously stricken with two forms of breast cancer.
Pat moved to Bellaire in 2010. While having her annual mammogram at the Smith Family Breast Center, in Traverse City, this past July, she says, “I knew something was wrong, when the technician came back into the room to take additional views and then told me to sit down, that someone would be in to talk with me.” Within minutes her worse fears were realized, the biopsy results confirmed that once again, at the age of 55, she had breast cancer.
Pat had implicit faith in the surgeon who had performed her first mastectomy. In September, she traveled down state, where her surgeon performed another mastectomy and reconstruction, of her left breast. According to Pat, ACHT helped with gas cards for her trip there, with lodging for her follow up visit to the surgeon, and with co pays for medical services and prescriptions. She also has peace of mind, knowing if she needs help with anything, or just needs to talk, someone from ACHT, is only a phone call away.
Over the years, Ila, a 77 year old Mancelona resident, had undergone several breast biopsies, so when another lump appeared she wasn’t overly concerned, because a mammogram taken just six months earlier of the same breast, had been diagnosed as scar tissue from a previous biopsy.
She underwent a biopsy of the lump and a few days later, heard the words, every woman fears. This time, the biopsy results indicated that she had breast cancer. A lumpectomy followed, but when her Oncologist told her she had to undergo 20 radiation treatments, at the Biederman Cancer Treatment Center, in Traverse City, Ila didn’t know what she was going to do. As a senior living on a fixed income, she couldn’t afford the gas for the 77 mile round trip, to Traverse City, each day.
In desperation, she went to the County Building in Bellaire, seeking assistance, only to be informed there were no programs available that could help her. An office clerk there, suggested she contact Antrim County High Tea for Breast Cancer Prevention’s cofounder, Dee Lynch, and gave her the number. Ila says, “When Dee said, they could help me, I was so relieved to know, that someone was concerned about me and really cared. They provided gas for all twenty visits to the treatment center.”
Thanks to early detection, Ila’s cancer is now in remission and says, “I take life, one day at a time. They said they could help me, and they did. I thank God, for those wonderful people. I don’t know what I would have done without their help.”
Last October, 48 year old Tonda, discovered a lump in her breast. With a family history of breast cancer, (her maternal grandmother had it.) Tonda knew she needed a mammogram, but didn’t have the insurance to pay for it. A girlfriend told her, to call Dee Lynch, with the ACHT.
Tonda says, “they were amazing!” In no time at all, the Health Department of Northwest Michigan, saw to it that she had her mammogram, biopsy and a lumpectomy. Five months of chemotherapy followed, then three months of radiation. During this time ACHT provided gas cards for trips to the doctor and treatment facilities. She, says, “it was really nice knowing I could call ACHT, anytime of the day or night, with questions or concerns.”
Recently, Tonda told her mother, “I’ve lost a year of my life.” Her mother corrected her saying, “No, you have gained the rest of your life.” Tonda recommends that “anyone living in Antrim County, who needs a mammogram and doesn’t have insurance can call the Health Department of Northwest Michigan, at 1-800-432-4121. That call, can save your life.” For information on ACHT, go to www.antrimcountyhightea.org
Saturday, September 3, 2011
The History of Labor Day
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Sleeping Bear Dunes Voted 'Most Beautiful Place in America'
Sleeping Bear Dunes Voted 'Most Beautiful Place in America'
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Depot Museum looking for loan of military memorabilia
At a recent meeting of the Helena Township Historical Society, members decided the exhibit at Alden’s Depot Museum for 2012, will be on the U.S. Military, with a special focus on local members of the armed forces. The society is asking residents who either personally served, or had ancestors that served, to consider loaning any military memorabilia or artifacts, to the museum’s exhibit. Anyone willing to participate may contact Paul Delange at 231-377-7333
Free Model Train Show Starts August13th.
“Model Train Show and Swap Meet” from 10am to 4pm, August 13th and 14th. This FREE show will continue each weekend there after from1pm – 4pm, Saturday and Sundays, through Labor Day.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
The Alden Run July 30, 2011 #2
The Alden Run July 30, 2011 #1
Alden Mens Club Rummage Sale #2
Thursday, July 21, 2011
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Things you probably never knew about Alden.
Some interesting information from my book, “Reflections at the Water’s Edge, an Illustrated History of the Alden Area.”
In 1854 Lumber Camp # 4 was established on the East side of Torch Lake, by a creek, which today bears the name of that lumber camp’s mananger, John Spencer. The settlement was originally called Lewis Town, and then named Noble, after the lumber baron, Henry Hobart Noble.
In 1870, Reuben Coy, rented a building at the mouth of Spencer Creek, and began operating the first general store in Helena Township. The proceeds from sales that first day, totaled $ 46.81 A pound of sugar back then, sold for 15 cents a lb. and ladies could choose from a selection of two shoe styles.
Bringing supplies from Elk Rapids, was dangerous since teams had to ford(swim) the Torch River. So Reuben purchased a two masted scooner, named the King Fisher, which brought supplies and passengers from Elk Rapids. The King Fisher was used until 1873 when the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad, was built through Kalkaska and Mancelona. This enabled him to haul supplies with teams and wagons.
Reuben, eventually built a stone burr grist mill, which was powered by the waters of Spencer Creek. Settlers used trucks, with wheels made from the ends of sawed off maple logs, and drawn by teams of oxen, to bring their grain to the mill. The mill closed in 1890, but the building still stands today. The Alden Bar, now occupies the spot where theCoy Store once stood.
In 1890, a railroad line traveling from TC following the Chain of Lakes, north to Bay View, above Petoskey, was built. The logical route would have been straight north through Elk Rapids, But instead, an expert in railroad law and finance, by the name of William Alden Smith, used his influence to establish a route, that brought the railroad through Spencer Creek. Grateful townspeople renamed the town, Alden in his honor. Later on, he is rumored to have said, that “Alden is the handsomest and biggest town of its size, in the U.S.”
The first train depot was built in approximately 1892 . In 1904 “The Resort Special” began operations, carrying “summer people” to camps and resorts, that had sprung up around the lake. Soon Alden was know as the “leading summer resort between Grand Rapids and Charlevoix”. In 1906, despite the efforts of a bucket brigade,the depot burned to the ground. The following year, the new Pier Marquette Train Depot, was built and today it is home to the Helena Township, Historical Museum.
With arrival of the railroad, more people and commerce arrived and before long The Coy store had some competition, when Foster and Company Store, opened across the street. When Coy put up a banner reading “Welcome Tourists” Ernest Foster, put up a sign that read “Welcome Everyone” Another time, Coy decide to start selling stoves and planned a big promotion. Foster had already been carrying stoves for sometime. On the day of Coy’s sale, he moved every stove in his store outside, and offered them at wholesale prices. Not one stove was sold at the Coy Store that day.
The Main Hotel was built in 1890. One evening, upon hearing that a dance was being held at the hotel, a group of working men gathered there. When no women showed up, the frustrated men began dancing with each other. When the piano player finally gave up and went home, a fist fight erupted and the sheriff had to be summoned.
In 1898 Dayton Higgins built Higgins Drug Store. Since doctors, were almost non existent in this area back then, he served as druggist, doctor and veterinarian. The Higgins family lived in the store building, and when Dayton passed away, his daughter Ethel took over. The soda fountain was a favorite place to gather and drink a cherry coke or so[ a soda. Today, people wait in line to get a hand dipped ice cream cone, from Higgins Store. Miss Higgins had two Great Danes, when one of the dogs bit someone the “George Smith vs Brutus” hearing, was held at the Township Hall (today’s 45th parallel.) Miss Higgins lawyer argued that the Smith, had caught his sleeve on a nail, causing the injury and Brutus won the case! Local folk lore insists, that Ethel still haunts the upper rooms of the old store.
During the Depression, Inez Hiatt took a job as switchboard operator, at the Grand Traverse Telephone Company Office, which was located in the building where the Red Eye Gallery is today. Most people could not afford the luxury of a telephone, so when someone wanted to contact them, they would call the telephone company and Inez’s young son Bud, acting as a “runner”, would hop on his scooter, and go to a home or cottage and inform the person, that they had a phone call. Then,they had to go to the phone company office, to receive their call. Bud saved all his earnings and tips, and by the age of 9 was able to afford a new bicycle. Today, well into his eighties, Bud still remembers that he paid $22.86 for that bike.
In 1963, Robert Studley Scott Jr. held up the Alden State Bank, at gunpoint. He stole $20,000. stuffed it into a paper bag, and might have made a clean get a way, had he used something stronger than kite string, to tie up the bank teller with! The teller was able to quickly break free, notified the police, and the culprit was caught in record time.
In 1984 Aden’s beloved and somewhat eccentric, Chef Geno, opened the Alden Mil House, as a chicken carry out restaurant, where he also did catering and sold his blend of spices. Geno was a creative, as well as a very messy cook, leaving his messes in the kitchen, for his family and employees, to clean up. His wife Joy, finally had enough, and convinced him to let her manage the Mill House, and sell his spices, while he did the marketing.
Geno loved nature and reptiles were his favorite. He once had a pet water dragon, named Lizzy. Whenever he went out of town on business, he left Lizzy in the care of his employees. He even taught them how to hunt for ant eggs, with which to feed her. One day, he decided to put Lizzy out in the yard, so she could sun herself. He tied her little harness to a rock, but Alas, a big bird appeared out of nowhere, swooped down and carried poor Lizzy away, never to be seen again!
At one time there were three gas stations in Alden, but no automobiles! And now you know the rest of the story!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
2011 Ride Around Torch
![]() | Experience Michigan's Most ScenicBike Tour! text Sunday, July 17, 2011 Elk Rapids, MI $1 per rider is donated to the League of Michigan Bicyclists |
Tour Overview | ||
The Ride Around Torch is an annual one-day 26, 63, or 100 mile bicycle tour primarily along the scenic shores of Torch Lake, Michigan's longest and one of its most beautiful inland lakes with unusually clear, bright turquoise hued waters. Several villages and hamlets lie along the lake's shore including Alden, Eastport, Clam River and Torch River. The ride is a recreational, social tour that is neither a race nor a test of strength although the very hilly 100 mile route can be a challenge. | ||
The 26 mile ride is an out and back around the north end of Elk Lake through Torch River to the food stop at Crystal Beach Park. Same hills and flats of the other routes only less. | ||
Our signature 63 mile ride circles Torch Lake passing through Eastport, Clam River, Alden and Torch River with hills, flats, scenic views and multiple food stops. | ||
The 100 mile ride is a challenging century with the rolling shoreline of Torch Lake, extreme hills and then some. Racing clusters are not recommended. | ||
Fees | ||
By June 30: • Individual - $25 • Family - $55 (with minor children) | Adult non-rider: $10 Child non-rider: $8 | A premium quality shirt: • Short sleeve - $15 • Long sleeve - $20 (with entry by June 30) |
Please Note: Ride fees will increase on July 1 and again on the day of ride. Save $$$ by registering early! |
Registration |
EASY: Download mail-in registration form available here, complete and send to us. EASIER: Register conveniently online using Active.com. |
Ride Details |
HIGHLIGHTS • Well-marked roads for all routes. • Detailed route maps provided. • Roving SAG support. • Great snacks at food stops. • Scrumptious picnic lunch at the Elk Rapids Village Beach from noon to 4:00 p.m. featuring brats, hot dogs, Caesar, potato, pasta and three bean salads, coleslaw, baked beans, chips, iced tea and lemonade. • Showers at Elk Rapids High School until 4:00 p.m. • Swimming at the Village Beach on East Bay. • Bike tech available morning of tour for last minute help at reasonable rates. • Breakfast is available at T. J. Charlie’s, 135 River Street in downtown Elk Rapids beginning at 6:00 a.m. SAFETY • Helmets must be worn by all riders. • Riders are to obey all traffic rules and laws and to ride in a courteous and safe manner. Michigan law requires cyclists to ride as near to the right as practicable and nor more than two abreast. • Children 15 and under must be accompanied by a cycling adult. REGISTRATION/PACKET PICK-UP • Register prior to tour by: 1. Completing and mailing in the tour registration form by Monday, July11 or 2. Going online to register using Active.com. A small fee will be added. Online registration closes at midnight, Thursday, July 14. • Save by registering by July 1.• Day of ride registration is available. • Packet pick-up/day of ride registration is 7 to 10:00 a.m. at the Elk Rapids HS. • Century riders must start by 8:00 a.m.: 63 milers by 9:00 a.m. SAG support ends on all routes at 3:00 p.m. so gauge your ride time accordingly. • Parents or guardians must sign a release for riders aged 17 or under. • Your wristband is your admission to food stops, the picnic and for SAG support. START/FINISH LOCATION The Elk Rapids HS is located on the east side of Elk Rapids, MI about 17 miles north of Traverse City on US31. At the traffic light on US31, turn east on Ames Street and follow the signs to the high school. For MapQuest directions from your location, click here. All routes finish at the Elk Rapids Village Beach at the west end of River Street. Directionsback to the high school are on the route maps. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION $1.00 per rider is donated to the League of Michigan Bicyclists to support safe cycling. This is a rain or shine tour so no refunds after July 1. Questions may be directed to ratdirector@cherrycapitalcyclingclub.org. Information on hotels, motels and camping may be obtained from the Elk Rapids Chamber of Commerce and the Traverse City Convention and Visitors Bureau. |
Need help with your new digital camera???
Friday, July 8, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
JuJuniper Garden Walk, promises diversity in garden designs
Monday, June 20, 2011
A Yummy Way, to Spend the Day!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Antrim County High Tea for Breast Cancer Prevention continues to make a difference.
The Antrim County High Tea for Breast Cancer Prevention was held on Monday, at the Pelican Room, in Central Lake. All tables were decorated in a variety of beautiful, motifs. This Mardi Gras table, proved to be a real attention getter, as were the table's occupants.Ed Huller, president of the board of directors for the 501C3, all volunteer, organization, addressed those in attendance and informed them of the progress ACHT has made, since the first high tea was held in 2004. Since then, the number of low income/ uninsured women who've received a mammogram, has grown form 40, that year, to 215 in 2010. He also noted, "that according to the National Cancer Institute, over the last three years, Antrim County's mortality rate has dropped from 1st in the state of Michigan, down to 33rd in the state" he credits the High Tea's programs, in partnership with the Health Department of Northwest Michigan, and Munson Medical Center with having an impact, on the change in these statistics. He also reminded everyone, that "State cutbacks are creating significant, new challenges in serving those in need." Benediction was sung by Catherine Belcher, of Kalkaska and Dr. Charles Weitz, Director of MHC Smith Family Breast Health Center at Copper Ridge, was the guest speaker.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
A Taste of Alden, anywhere, any time!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Pure Michigan products, arrive in Alden
Fundraiser to pay for South Torch Lake Firefighter's funeral expenses
Memorial Ride and Poker Run, for South Torch Lake Fire Fighter
A Memorial Ride and Poker Run, will be held on Saturday, June 25th from 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Kritters Bar, 9395 Valley Rd. in Rapid City, for Captain Scott Tracy, of the South Torch Lake Fire Department. All riders are welcome to take the scenic ride around Torch Lake. A benefit dinner, and silent auction, will follow the ride at 5:00 p.m. and the public is invited to attend.
Scott,was a 12 year veteran and EMT with the department. He passed away suddenly last month and leaves a wife and four young daughters. All proceeds from this event will go to help with Scott’s funeral expenses. Anyone wishing to make a donation, may send a check made out to Mortensons Funeral Home, in care of: C. Baker, 6486 West Elder Rd. Bellaire, 49612
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Alden's little mystery
It's Alden's little mystery! Now that A Stone's Throw Flower Shop is gone, the front of this charming little building, once bursting with blooms of every kind and color, now sits naked and bare. Some activity has been noted however, and speculation abounds, regarding who, or what, will be occupying the building in the near future .....stay tuned!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
A Pear Tree Grows in Alden.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
I Love A Parade
Well, actually it's not the parade as much, as the reason for the parade! A few years back, I learned that Alden was no longer going to hold a Memorial Day Parade. It seems the powers that be, (who ever they were) had decided to concentrate all efforts, on the parade held downtown, during "Alden Days." Shortly after learning about the demise of the Memorial Day Parade, I happened to meet up with Guy Barber, Alden's own W.W. II Bronze Star recipient. When I told him the news, he exclaimed, " Well, I'm marching down the street, even if I march alone." It was then I knew, he wasn't going to march alone. I've often though that motto which says, "Fools rush in, where angels fear to tread" so, without skipping a beat, I told Guy, he would not be marching alone!. I went home and started making some phone calls to groups, who had previously participated in the parade. One group had already been contacted and told they wouldn't be needed that year. After doing some fast talking, I managed to persuade them, that they were indeed wanted, and needed, in our parade. Upon contacting the American Legion Color Guard, I learned that no one, had told them the parade had been canceled! I could only imagine, what would have happened with just one, lone, Bronze Star recipient, and the color guard, marching through Alden! The morning of the first parade, that I had ever organized dawned, and I whispered a little promise to my "Daddy" who passed away, at the age of 29, from a heart attack, while serving in the U.S. Navy. "This one'sfor you Daddy," I said. Walking out into the kitchen, to grab my first cup of coffee, I realized, I didn't have any horses marching in the parade. I told my husband, "well, it's too late now, to worry about horses, maybe next year." A short time later, as we were turning down a side street on our way to the parade staging area, there were two riders on horse back, carrying American Flags. I rolled down the window, as one of the riders asked, " Do you know, if there's a parade today?" " Follow me" I said! At the staging area, everyone had arrived and sat waiting. Waiting for ...... waiting for, me! I hastily lined the participants up, gave the signal to start the parade and it worked! The Mancelona Band started playing, the boy scouts, the color guard and veterans, started marching, the Shriner's float, the antique autos, all proceeded down the parade route, followed by the horses and the South Torch Lake Fire Depart- ment. Alden, had its Memorial Day Parade! It wouldn't be, 'just another day' to picnic and party. Alden would remember, remember, those who had paid the ultimate price for our freedom! Later that evening,after the parade, as I sat in euphoric exhaustion, a faint memory of something crossed my mind. Was I imaging it? As if to validate that memory, I lifted the lid on a little box containing precious little letters from a father, to his little daughter, and there, in the last letter he wrote, prior to his death were these words! "Dear Little Angel Girl, Someday, when you are a big girl, maybe daddy can get you a nice horsy." As I organize the parade each year, many people stop to thank me for "saving the parade". It is now my honor, to be known as "Alden's Parade Lady!" and each year, as I leave for the parade staging area, I whisper, " This one's for you, Daddy!" |
Friday, May 27, 2011
A time to remember, Freedom is not Free!
by Kelly Strong
I watched the flag pass by one day,
It fluttered in the breeze;
A young Marine saluted it,
And then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform,
So young, so tall, so proud;
With hair cut square and eyes alert,
He'd stand out in any crowd.
I thought... how many men like him
Had fallen through the years?
How many died on foreign soil?
How many mothers' tears?
How many pilots' planes shot down
How many died at sea
How many foxholes were soldiers' graves
No, Freedom is not Free.
I heard the sound of Taps one night,
When everything was still;
I listened to the bugler play,hy
And felt a sudden chill;
I wondered just how many times
That Taps had meant "Amen"
When a flag had draped a coffin
Of a brother or a friend;
I thought of all the children,
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands.
With interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea,
Of unmarked graves in Arlington.
No. Freedom is not Free!Memorial Day Parade & Service Monday May 30, 1 p.m.
A Facelift for Alden's Harbor
Story & Photo By Priscilla Miller
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